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Sydney June 4, 11, 18 (7:30am)
New York June 3, 10, 17 (5:30pm)
London June 3, 10, 17 (10:30pm)
Check the time in your region

Registration is $60AUD however due to the financial times an option to choose a discounted fee is available on the registration page. If further support is required please email innerworkpath@gmail.com

Everyone who registers has access to view the recordings.

An Inner Work Path event sponsored by EduCareDo.

A set of three live online gatherings leading up to St John’s.

Through the Christmas and Easter Mysteries we are able to perceive the archetypal steps and stages on the path of initiation. The inner development path is presented through these archetypal pictures but we all walk it individually.

Saint Johns deepens the experiences and expressions on the path of our individual unfolding and empowers our unique connection with the spiritual world. Saint Johns makes an appeal to the individual part we are each able to contribute, helping us to refine our place or the capacities we can offer others through our collective striving.

Each festival preparation is open to all as some festivals may draw us towards the inner development for world development task more than others.

With this in mind, while each festival is presented as its own course, it is simultaneously connected to the ongoing themes for the spiritual year.

Please allow up to 2 hours per session.


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