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Explore a path of transformation for the individual and for society as a whole, which is critical for healing the Earth

Healing Society, Healing the Earth  is a course presented by EduCareDo and the Biodynamic Association of North America. It includes eight weekly live video sessions on Mondays from 7-8:30pm USA ET, beginning on September 14 and ending November 2. Course presenters are Anthony Mecca and Seth Jordan; Lisa Romero is a guest speaker on September 21.

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“We will explore a path of transformation for the individual and for society as a whole, both critical for healing the Earth. Topics include developing social understanding, inner development, society as threefold (interest and freedom in human development, just and fair social relationships, and solidarity and cooperation in economics), distribution of resources and capital, ownership and stewardship, basic income and meaningful work, and more. Coursework will include short readings, experiential and artistic exercises, and practical examples. Weekly sessions are structured around presentations interspersed with exercises and small group conversations. Participants are expected to take up simple activities between sessions and check-in with another course participant.  Together we will begin to explore how these healing paths initiated by Steiner can support the change that needs to come.

To fully participate in the live video sessions, you need to have a reliable internet connection and a computer, tablet, or smartphone with a camera and microphone. If you don’t have a device that supports this video technology, you may access the course via telephone. Video recordings of each weekly session will be available to participants to review content or make up for a missed class.”

 Course Content

It is clear the earth and social life are in need of healing. Climate change demands attention. The call for social justice rings loud. The pandemic revealed further the fragile, unjust structure of society. Politics are polarizing. Technology and information overload are common. Our connections to each other and the natural world are eroding. We are distancing from a healthy relationship with ourselves, each other, and the earth. How can we create a path towards healing? How can individuals work alongside each other to bring their ideals into the world?

Prescient to these needs, Rudolf Steiner initiated two complementary healing paths: social threefolding and biodynamic agriculture. At the foundation of both lies the capacity to sense into and form living pictures of wholeness. Within this wholeness, there is a striving to weave dynamic elements together in harmony. Relationships to one’s self, others, and the natural world are encouraged to develop in service of the earth and humanity. Underlying this healing is the need for conscious work with the spiritual world.

Through this 8-week course, we will beginning to understand and implement these healing paths.”

Click here to register.



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